Yes they can! As a default, Skip printers will print your order at the time specified by your 'minimum pickup time' setting (you can change this on the Skip Merchant Dashboard - see how here). The below example shows your printer workflow if 5 minutes is set as your minimum pickup time:
Bob orders at 1:00pm for a 1:20pm pickup. When Bob confirms the order, you won't receive the docket until 1:15pm.
You can set your Skip printer to print dockets immediately. This means that when Bob confirms the order on his device, your Skip printer will print the docket immediately.
For example, Bob orders at 1:00pm for a 1:20pm pickup. When Bob confirms the order, your Skip printer will receive the docket immediately (at 1:00pm).
To do this simply email with your cafe name and ask to have your Skip printer dockets set to 'print immediately'.
*Please not that you when you set to your Skip printer to 'print immediately' will need to pay attention to the pickup time stated at the bottom of the docket.
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