Skip For Business
Venue FAQs
- How do I check the sales have been deposited in to my nominated bank account?
- How do I close my store on Skip during hours when my store is usually open?
- How can I offer meal plan, catering or scheduled ordering in my venue?
- How do I offer self-managed delivery via my Skip account?
- How can I view my itemised payment statement?
- Let's help increase your Skip orders
Skip Business Accounts
- Receiving payments for sales at your venue
- How do I add product images to my menu on my venue page?
- How do I add a cover image to my venue page?
- How do I add a logo to my venue page?
- How do I add a weekend or public holiday surcharge for my customers?
- Adding & Updating the ABN (Registered Business) on my Business Account
Merchant Dashboard
Printer Only Device
- Skip Printer Troubleshooting Guide
- How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi Issues on Smart Printers
- How do I turn off my printer on public holidays?
- Can my Skip dockets print immediately instead of printing at my set minimum pickup time?
- Where can I get replacement printer rolls?
- Can I print orders from my POS printer using the Skip Merchant Dashboard?